Studies Show The Benefits Of Kids Living Close To Their Grandparents

Something that humans have known intuitively for thousands of years is that grandkids need their grandparents in their lives. It pays to lives close to one another, and now, science confirms it as well. A survey from the University of Oxford shows that grandparents significantly contribute to their grandchildren’s well-being when they spend time with them.

For starters, you have numerous health benefits such as increased life expectancies. Then, once you consider how much joy there is in seeing a happy, smiling grandkid hanging out with their grandma and grandpa, it’s a no-brainer. These are 15 undeniable reasons why raising grandkids near their grandparents is so important.

It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek to say it, as we all know that grandparents are so much more than that. However, there is no denying the fact that it’s really convenient when they live close by. Grandparents are individuals that can be trusted to look after the kids when parents are out taking care of other important matters. Plus, they are much cheaper than other childcare options.

A study conducted in Belgium found that adolescents who have regular, positive contact with their grandparents show fewer signs of prejudice and discrimination against older people. Young adults who don’t have these interactions are more likely to develop ageist attitudes. Regular grandparent visits mean that kids learn to view the elderly in a positive light, instead of buying into negative stereotypes.


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