Dad Punches Comedian In The Face For Making Disgraceful ‘Sexualized’ Joke About Three-Month-Old Son

Police have made no arrests following the incident that has now gone viral.


A Spanish comedian recently became the center of attention when a video of him being punched by an angry dad went viral. 

The father accused him of making inappropriate, ‘sexualized’ remarks about his three-month-old son.

Comedy is usually all about laughter and light-hearted fun, but sometimes it can push past acceptable boundaries. 

Remember the time a comedian mentioned how someone from the audience actually dialed 911 during his act because of a risqué joke?

This latest incident involving Jaime Caravaca, the comedian in question, definitely adds a layer of strangeness to the world of comedy. 

During a performance in Alicante on a Monday night, while Caravaca was delivering a monologue, something completely unexpected took place.
He was abruptly interrupted by a visibly furious father who stormed the stage and hit him with a powerful punch.

The father, later identified as Alberto Pugilato, was caught on microphone yelling:
“Those paedophilic comments about my son…say them to my face…you piece of trash…now!”

Interestingly, Pugilato’s anger was not sparked by something Caravaca had said that night. 

Instead, it was a reaction to a comment Caravaca had made on social media, which Pugilato found highly offensive.


Certainly an unexpected situation.TrimFeed via YouTube

This gives some context as to why the two men were at odds, doesn’t it?

Just a few days earlier, Pugilato had shared a photo on social media platform X, celebrating his son as his ‘Pride and joy’. 

Caravaca, however, left a provocative remark in the comments section of that post.

He wrote: “No one will be able to avoid the possibility of [your son] being gay’ and that when he is older he will become sick of ‘sucking black d***’”. 

Prompted by this, Pugilato decided to confront Caravaca directly during his performance.

Though some audience members attempted to calm the situation, their efforts were in vain. 

Pugilato continued to challenge Caravaca: “What were you saying, huh? That my son was going to eat c***? He’s three-months-old. Trash. Now what? Say it to my face…say it to my face now.


The father punched the comedian in the face.TrimFeed via YouTube

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just a father who is defending his child. He has made sexualising comments about my three-month-old son.”

Pointing at Caravaca, he declared, “That has its consequences.” 

After labeling the comedian a ‘clown’, Pugilato struck him once more before exiting the stage.

Police were summoned to the scene afterward, but no arrests were made since Caravaca chose not to press charges.

In the wake of the incident, which rapidly spread across the internet, Caravaca took to social media to issue an apology. 

He stated: “After what happened, what was intended to be a joke was ultimately an unfortunate and not at all appropriate comment on my part.”

“My apologies to anyone who feels affected. Let’s put violence aside and leave a good world for people to grow free.” 

Responding to Caravaca’s apology, Pugliato remarked: “I accept your apology, Jaime. I defend freedom of expression in the same way that I defend the right to respond.

“I do not wish you any harm and I hope this helps others understand that children are sacred. All the best.”

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