A Man ‘Almost Dies’ After Suffering A Severe Stroke After A Neck Artery Was Abruptly Ruptured By A Sneeze

A man had a stroke after a sneeze broke an artery in his neck, nearly killing him.

Santa Cruz, California resident Ian Applegate began sneezing while he was in his car with his wife Jennifer and their four-year-old kid Jon.

After sneezing three times, the otherwise healthy 35-year-old experienced a blinding headache, “spinning” dizziness, and “severe shooting pain” that traveled up his neck to the back of his head and left eye.

He then experienced pins and needles that caused his face and entire left side to become “numb.”

After being sent to the Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, the father-of-one’s doctors concluded that a tear in the inner lining of the vertebral artery in the back of his neck had caused a stroke.

The central nervous system and spinal cord receive blood flow from the artery.

The near-fatal tear that clogged Ian’s artery and caused the tragedy was later determined to have been caused by the force of his “violent” sneeze.

In order to stop any more blood clots, doctors gave him blood thinners and kept him in the intensive care unit for twenty-four hours. But the father, who is said to be feeling “miserable” due to “setbacks,” still has a long way to go before he fully recovers.

Since the terrifying event on February 9, the engineer has been in the hospital because of injury to his left side, which prevents him from swallowing and requires assistance while walking.

He thinks that by undergoing rehabilitation therapy to rebuild his muscles, he would be able to return home in time for the birth of his first baby girl and second child in April.

Ian is now talking about his close call with death and his main worries going forward.

Reflecting on the incident, Ian said: “It was my first day back at work after being ill with the flu all week.”

“After work, I went to go take care of our horses. I was in the truck and had just put our four-year-old into the car seat.”

“I had just started the car and was getting ready to drive. I sneezed three times, then the third time it caused this blinding headache and made everything spin.”

Ian claimed that when he experienced pins and needles, he realized right away that he was suffering a stroke and that the agony was “excruciating.”

He is “scared to sneeze” going forward as a result of the experience, and he is concerned about his ability to care for a newborn.

Ian said: “It was a pretty hard sneeze but I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. I never thought this was possible.”

“I’m scared to sneeze now. My wife is eight months pregnant and I want to be there for the delivery.”

In a series of updates, Ian’s sister Vanessa Applegate stated that her brother is “miserable” but “working as hard as he can to improve.” She has also started a campaign to help the family pay medical fees and cover time off work.

Although Ian’s medical emergency “definitely could have been worse,” Vanessa stated in the GoFundMe, which as of this writing has generated over $10,900, that “only time will tell” how long he will need to be in the hospital to heal.

Ian added: “I can tell I’m going to struggle to take care of myself and the baby.”

“I just want to be home in time for the baby’s birth. I’m trying to stay positive and continue my exercises until I get better.”

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