Why you shouldn’t leave a charger in an outlet when not in use

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have a whole host of bad habits you want to get rid of one day. They might not even be all that extreme – I mean, who doesn’t have something they’d like to change about themselves given the opportunity – but the point is that they exist, and that’s perfectly normal.

For some people it can be addiction that gets in the way of them cutting out that unwanted thing from their lives. Smoking, drinking, gambling, eating too much fast food… that sort of thing.

Other habits, though, have their roots in, well, habitual behavior. That is to say that there’s nothing really stopping you from changing them, aside from perhaps laziness or absentmindedness.

I’ll give you a rather poignant example: I couldn’t seem to stop leaving my phone charger in the wall even when it wasn’t being used.

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