As a result of his two-year absence, Hai fell behind in his studies. However, he did manage to find a friend he was able to bond with, one who also had disabilities.
Sometimes I think it is fate that brought us together,” Hai said of his new friend. “We’ve played together since we were very young and have experienced many joys and sorrows as we both shared the same sadness that no one wanted to play with us.”
Through all the pain and sorrow, Hai held onto one dream above all else: he wanted to open a bakery. This came as a direct result of he and his friend having once been kicked out of a bakery they had wanted to visit for a long, long time.
“We were very poor so our clothes weren’t as fancy as some people’s and they didn’t listen to our explanation either. They chased us away,” Hai said.
“It was humiliating. But it’s an experience that has made me who I am today. It made me know in my heart what I wanted to do. I was going to open up my own bakery so I could bake delicious and beautiful cakes and serve good food to everyone, whether they be rich or poor. I would not discriminate; everyone would be welcome.”
With his family’s support, he was put through hospitality training school in Hanoi. Moreover, Hai achieved his dream of opening his bakery, mere years after resigning himself to staying indoors, too afraid to show his face.
“It was lovely to see so many smiling faces,” he said.
“I see a lot of children on the streets selling lottery tickets and I always invite them in for a piece of cake. We don’t know the hardships others have faced. Be kind.
“It’s my dream now to help others through similar hardships that I have been through. It is by giving back that one can make a difference in society.”
Hai told The Epoch Times: “I am more than how I look. Do not call me harsh words. I am a survivor.”
What an inspirational young man he really is. To have come through so much adversity and still be able to see the bright side of life.
Please, share this article on Facebook if you want to send well wishes and love to Hai, and indeed to anyone else who might be facing similar struggles in their life.